About Me

Hello there 👋

My name is Andreas Buob. I live in Bern, Switzerland, and write software for a living. I’m currently employed by Swisscom.

My technical interests are primarily focussed around frontends and their architecture, especially in the context of monorepositories:

My interest in monorepositories led me to create yanice (yet another incremental command executor), a tool which allows for orchestrating command-execution across multiple projects based on changed files (comparing a git revision with the working tree). It furthermore allows to enforce boundaries between the projects. Unlike many of the existing monorepo-tooling out there which follow an opinionated “zero-config”-approach, yanice aims to be “all-config”, where everything has to be configured and described, rather than relying on automatic inference.

For those who care about these things, I hold a BSc in Computer Science by ethz.

About this website

If you’re wondering why I have a website to begin with, I’ve outlined my reasons here. From a technical point of view, it’s just a little static website generated using hugo, hosted on GitHub pages. The source code can be found here. Though I’m involved in quite a bit of frontend-programming at my day job, I’m obviously terrible at design, please forgive me for the rather rudimentary layout.